Beech Class (Year 1 and 2)

Great Fire of London
We have had a fabulous half term learning all about Brilliant Britain. We can name all four countries that make up the UK and their capital cities. 
We learned about what London looked like in 1600's and how it is different now. The children have loved making Tudor house models and setting fire to them on the school yard (safely). We have also learned about how fire safety has changed over time. 
We have had an amazing first half term together this year. We have been learning all about where food comes from and how we should look after animals. The children had a chance to learn about dairy farms and then we were lucky enough to visit Morwick Ice Cream Parlour. 
Here are some pictures of the children making butter, exploring the farm, seeing how we get milk, tasting milk, milking a cow and the best bit seeing how ice cream is made. We had to test it was a good batch too. 
African Arts Week
This week we have had a great week doing lots of art all around the topic of Africa. Our favourite thing to do was the African pinch pots with an animal theme but we also loved drumming, singing and being creative with different drawing techniques. 
Welcome to Beech Class
Beech Class is a Year 1 and 2 class.  Miss Darlow is the class teacher and shares the assistance of our KS1 teaching assistant Miss Gray. During afternoons when Miss Darlow is out of the class, the class is taught by our  HLTA Mrs Cessford. 
The children are taught in single year groups for Phonics, English and Maths Monday - Friday mornings. This is organised:
Miss Darlow - Year 1
Miss Conroy - Year 2
Our weekly timetable is as follows:
MONDAY - Spelling test completed and new spellings issued. Children to come to school in PE kits for PE with Mrs Cessford. We also have a forest school session in the afternoon with Miss Gray so wellies are needed in school. 
THURSDAY - Children to come to school in PE kits for PE with Mrs Cessford. Reading books are taken in and changed and reading is logged for the reading ladder. 
FRIDAY - Reading books come home and we go to the library