Oak Class (Reception)

Welcome to Oak Class 
Oak Class is for our Reception children. Mrs Waters is our Class Teacher and Miss Gutherson is her teaching assistant. We also have the help of Mrs Swordy, Mrs Tait, Mrs Henderson, Miss Bell, Mrs Connolly and Miss Clapperton in the Early Years unit. 
The Reception children are able to access the whole Early Years unit both inside and out alongside the Nursery children to help develop all their early learning goals. 
Important Information:
Monday - Forest School 
Wednesday - PE session 
Friday - Little Movers PE and library books
On a Friday children will bring home their new phonics sounds in their sound pack. Please continue to practice these at home. Reading books will also be changed over. 
Spring 2 People Who help us
We had lots of fun when the fire service visited! We found out about some of their equipment and had a go at using one of their hoses!! It was awesome!!
Zoolab Visit 
We loved having Zoolab in school. We learnt lots of facts about Minibeasts and even got to hold them! 
AUTUMN 1 All About Me
During our first half term we celebrated African Art Week which was lots of fun! We made some African Lion Art and some lion face fridge magnets to sell as well as doing some African dancing.  Also, the Pearl of Africa were here too which was very exciting!
European Languages Day - Germany
As part of our European Languages Day we immersed ourselves in lots of things German. We tried some German food, made German flags and had fun joining in with some German dancing! We liked some bits more than others.  Not all of the German food was a hit, but at least they gave it a go! 
Autumn 2  - Celebrations
As part of our topic of celebrations, we looked at Diwali.  This was very interesting and lots of fun.  We moulded clay into divas, painted and decorated them, made rangoli patterns using different media, made firework pictures and tried some henna art.  We noticed some similarities between some of our celebrations and those in Diwali.  The children loved finding out about other cultures.
When we came back from Christmas, we realised that we had caught something very exciting on our CCTV... a T-Rex.  We saw that she had left us her egg to look after until it hatched.  We spent a couple of days taking care of it until  one night ...  it hatched and ran out of the quad door.  We tracked the foot prints and used our binoculars to try to see where the baby T-Rex had gone.  One of the children spotted it on the roof and then others saw it in the distance, down at the forest area.  We wrote wanted posters and made it birthday cards. After the sighting in the forest we decided to go on a dinosaur hunt.  We were 'going on a dino hunt, we're going to catch a big one.  What a beautiful day, we're not scared ...'
After learning lots of facts about dinosaurs, especially the T-Rex, we decided to pretend to be dinosaurs ourselves.  We chose what we wanted to say and then recorded it onto the Chatterpix app so that we could give our T-Rex a voice.  Some of us shared some of the facts we learned when being dinosaurs.
We made dinosaur biscuits and coated them with green icing.  We had great fun making and decorating them but loved eating them even more!
Spring 2   People Who Help Us
We had lots of fun when the fire service visited! We found out about some of their equipment and had a go at using one of their hoses!! It was awesome!!
Mr Tate visited with his First Responder ambulance. We enjoyed finding out about some of his equipment. We particularly loved seeing the flashing lights and hearing the siren.
We were excited to hear all about the mountain rescue service this morning. We didn't realise how much they do! It was interesting to see what equipment they use and to also see the Rescue vehicle that Alan brought.