Spring Week 8 - WB 01/03/21

Monday 1st March
Time Capsule - Story Writing

We have been very lucky to be asked by Gleeson homes to collect some items together to place into a time capsule about our time in lockdown. Therefore our daily dojo challenges this week are all going to link to this idea!

Today the children were challenged with writing a story – this could be a totally made up story about lockdown or could be a memory of something that they have done in the lockdown. 

Tuesday 2nd March
Time Capsule
Today the children were asked to write a letter to their friends to tell them what they have been up too over the lockdown. We had some lovely letters sent in, take a look at them below.
Wednesday 3rd March
Time Capsule - Photographs
For todays time capsule task for Gleeson Homes, the children were asked to send in photographs of what they have been up too over the different lockdowns. We had lots of photographs sent in and it looks like the children have really made the most of their extra time at home to do some lovely activities. 
Thursday 4th March 

Time Capsule

Can you record a video of what you have been up to in the lockdown? It could be you showing us what you have been doing or talking about what you have been up too? Send us the videos in and we can pop them onto a memory stick to place into the time capsule.

Friday 5th March
Time Capsule
For our last dojo challenge, the children were asked to submit some artwork for the time capsule in Gleeson Homes. We had some lovely drawings and paintings sent to us.