Summer Week 5 - WB: 18/05/2020

Monday: Today's Challenge is everyday maths learning: Children count how many steps it would take to walk around your kitchen, living room or bedroom. Ask a family member to do the same thing. Are the number of steps different? If so, why might this be?
Tuesday: Fruit and vegetable alphabet! Find a fruit and/or vegetable for each letter of the alphabet. Choose two from your list and find out where and how they are traditionally grown! Make sure you share your findings with us!
Wednesday: Get creative and have fun writing jokes about food. For example, “Knock, knock.” “Who’s there?” “Lettuce” “Lettuce who?” “Lettuce in and we’ll tell you”. Here are the many jokes we received. Beech class told theirs during their zoom story session :)
Thursday: Keeping with our vegetable theme and taking inspiration from the artist Arcimboldo we would like you to create a portrait drawing or painting using vegetable shapes for the parts of the face.
A carrot nose, tomato eyes or chili eyebrows...
Have a look in your vegetable drawer for inspiration!
Friday: Today's Dojo challenge is all about food skills. Can you help to dice, chop or slice a fruit or vegetable? Get an adult to help you and show us how to prepare food safely. You could dice an onion to make a delicious pasta dish for lunch.